Here's a rough for a picture I've been meaning to do for a long time. I'm pretty happy with it. I hope my grandfather is too, where ever he's looking down from. He served in a bomber squadron that took the highest risks for those special forces on the ground behind enemy lines. He made it home. He truly is one of my heroes.
Thursday, January 29
My Grandfather- 358th Special Duties Squadron. Burma 1944
Saturday, December 6
more bmx goodness
Well here's a somewhat finished version. Still not entirely 100% on it as it still feels a little too simple, although there's plenty of complexity in the pose to offset the simple bg.. will leave it for now I think.
Tuesday, December 2
Little Black bike
Here's another pic which I thought I'd put up as my enthusiasm for bikes and artwork begin to snowball. For a mate's bike shop, this was used in a full page ad in 2020 bmx magazine. Pretty stoked about it, and glad to have done well for a good mate. Made him look 10 years younger in the process.
The top image is one I completed today in it's rough(ish) stage. I had intended to do a final in illustrator but hell, I'm happy with it as it is and am moving onto the next illo!
Sam Hill -remember I mentioned it ages ago?
Well here it is, finally. After a thousands shelvings due other work and some serious procrastination I finally finished it. I'm pretty darn happy with it. All in all it worked out as good as I had hoped. It seemed for a while it would never get finished..
Also got the man himself to sign it!
Friday, July 4
Doth my eyes deceive me? My Animation book is real!
well who would've thought this day would come? After two and a bit long years of life challenging experiences and procrastination my book was finally finished and has now finally been printed. I'm pretty happy with it, although the matte paper they used inside has killed the colours a little. Aside from that I'm well chuffed.
Tuesday, February 19
Sam Hill Rough
Monday, February 4
cover redesign
Ah well it happens doesn't it... the schmos who think only of the $ wanted a cover that had more "pop" on the shelf.... Well here's what is the final cover for my book. I don't mind it but I had others that I preferred a lot more based purely on design.. never the less it still looks good and everyone is happy.
Friday, December 14
Contents page
Well my book is lookng more and more finished everyday! I'm getting pretty pumped about it. Here's the contents page. Text will prob be played with a little but the image is final.
Friday, December 7
How about a bunch of fives?
Here's a bit of rough animation I've put together as an example in the animation section of my book. I was explaining key frames and in-betweens with this and it turned out pretty good considering I certainly ain't a "professional" animator.
Tuesday, November 27
Illustration Friday- Zoo
Poor old johnny
Monday, October 22
Front and Back cover