well here it is in all it's er..... Glory. Not as complex as I'd have liked but I'm certainly going to add to it down the track. It's a tricky bit of space to fill, but I'll slowly filll in the gaps underneath. At this stage I just don't wanna bite off more than I can chew. Being my first paste up project and all!
Tuesday, August 22
Mural Finished! (for now)
Wednesday, August 16
Mural Stuff Part III
Still plugging away at this mural. I'm coming up with miscellaneous icons that I can maximise my use of space with. They don't have to mean anything, just want them to create some extra interest aside from the main images and compliment the rest of the design. The little dudes I'll prob slot in here and there expressing themselves in different ways.
Monday, August 7
Skateshop Mural: Work in Progress
well here's the hypothetical start of my mural. It's gonna be all paste ups as the building is heritage listed so I can't paint on there. No doubt it'll take quite a few sessions to get it all up. But it's prob 50% complete at the mo in this pic (it'll prob change a few more times). I'm going to layout some kind of character based scene all the way to the door from where the little dead mickey dude is.
How friggin crap is their signage!? it had nothing to do with the shop owner, more to do with the guy that owns the building.....average stuff, man I'm still shaking my head about it... it'll be interesting to see the public reaction, as the town's population is on average pretty old.
Sunday, August 6
misc skateshop ideas